Out of Florida and into Georgia, and what beautiful stops to make in GA.
Jekyll Harbor Marina
The choppy water which crashed into us and then the dock. Between the boats the docks were wet from the waves.
My walking trail on the west side of the island.
The Jekyll Island Club Resort Clubhouse
One of the cottages.
The part of the gang back together, Jack and JoAnn, Mary and Chris . Just missing Brenda and Sonny McBride.
We started at Jekyll Island and had a "controlled crash" landing since the winds were blowing 25 knots. The dockhands were there to help fend us off and tie us up. So helpful and knowledgeable. The marina had golf carts that we could use for 1.5 hours. On the first day, Hal and I took a tour around the island. It is amazing the difference in the landscape from the ICW side and the Atlantic Ocean side. The ICW side is filled with oak trees hanging with Spanish Moss while the ocean side is more palm trees and ferns and sand dunes. The ocean side is filled with hotels, restaurants and shops. I was able to enjoy a wonderful walk on one of the several bike/hiking trails. When Jackpot arrived with our friends Jack and JoAnn were got more golf carts to have linner but our golf cart got a flat tire on the way to the restaurant. The marina sent the "pit crew" to come and change the tire in nothing flat. In the evening we were invited to the resident marina guests get together. It was really nice to get to chat with interesting people. There is even a harbor host here who gave us his number and offered to take us for provisions.
To get to St Simons Island we left early to avoid the winds. It was only an 8 NM run so we arrived at 10:30 am which gave us more time to explore. The staff was again friendly and helpful. They have a courtesy car that you can use for an hour so we took it for back to back times with Chris and Mary. We stopped at West Marine and then went to Publix for provisions. Hal and Mary had to wait forever at the deli counter. We have experienced that in the past, which makes for an unpleasant shopping experience.
St Simons Lighthouse Museum.
On Monday, Hal and I took our bikes over the causeway to explore. We first went to the St. Simons Lighthouse Museum. Neither of us felt like climbing the 129 steps but we toured the light keeper's home. The Confederate Army had destroyed the original lighthouse so that the Union Army would not be able to use it. The light keeper's life was a very strenuous one until electric lights were implemented.
WWII Home Front Museum
Hal working the RADAR
Visiting the World War II Home Front Museum taught how much the s part of the country was effected by the war. German U-boats were destroying allied merchant ships as they were using the lights from the island to illuminate the outlines of the ships. A blackout was ordered to help stop that along with using blimps to find the U-boats and submarines and destroy them first. Also Brunswick started building ships faster than they could be destroyed and the airport in St. Simons became the training center for RADAR. When we think of WWII we don't usually think of the how it came close to the USA except for the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The Mermaid Tree Spirit.
Riding around the island we found one of the Tree Spirits, the Mermaid. There are several on the island that are supposed to immortalize the countless sailors who lost their lives. The oaks from the island have been used for building many ships, including the SS Constitution which Hal has been on.
We heard the Southern Soul Barbecue Place was a great stop so we decided to try it. When we got there Ken and Cheryl Pfeiffer, from Turn the Paige, were just leaving. They are staying at Morningstar Marina down the dock from us. The food was delicious and plentiful. After stopping at Ace for a hose we made our way back to the dock. There isn't a great place to walk around the marina other than crossing the bridge and going back to the island which is what I did after we returned.
Halfmoon Marina.
Since there is a strong current at the marina and we were concerned with the tide level at Little Mud River, we all left early (7:30)for Halfmoon Marina. The wind was kicking up, but on the bow, as we crossed the inlet which made for a bumpy ride. Getting through all the twists and turns was interesting and as we got closer to Halfmoon Marina we called them on the phone to get local knowledge of the channel and where the shoals are. Kevin, one of the owners, was so helpful and get explicit instructions and when we was able to see us continued to direct us. The took our lines and helped tie us up. They have an interesting boat lift that we watched in progress. A smaller center console was lifted by the two stern D rings and the bow and then brought to the owners trailer. A quick process.
After a delicious dinner aboard Jackpot we retired to the boat to do a load of laundry, chart work and relax.